Sustanon 250mg/ml, 10ml


If you are looking to increase strength and build quality lean muscle tissue then Sustanon 350 is for you. Widely used by athletes, bodybuilders, and recreational fitness enthusiasts to build muscle and enhance quality of life, Sustagen is a blend of four forms of testosterone.The differing small/short and large/long esters are blended for the ultimate blend of testosterone.



Sustanon, above all is the most popular testosterone blend composed of four different forms of testosterone. These 4 are as follows; Testosterone Propionate (30mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (85 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (85 mg), and Testosterone Decanoate (150mg). After that, Sustagen enhances your body’s ability to stimulate androgen receptors and other anabolic activity within the body. Exogenous testosterone use will result in a faster rate of recovery from training, allowing you to train harder with less rest time required to fully recover. Boost protein synthesis and nitrogen retention within muscle tissue, accelerate the growth of lean muscle tissue, increase your ability to burn fat and benefit from a myriad of other positive health effects. Another key point is the synergy of the multiple esters is beneficial for those looking for an alternative to single ester forms of testosterone.

The limited injection frequency makes Sustanon 250 a perfect compound for the treatment of low testosterone. It allows the individual to maintain stable levels without the need for constantly pinning themselves with a needle. This is truly the only advantage of this testosterone. Sustanon 250 will not provide any advantage over a single ester testosterone compound to a performance athlete.

In a performance capacity we will find the individual will still be required to inject the hormone frequently if they are to maintain not only stable blood levels but peaked blood levels. Additionally, many people inaccurately assume that Sustanon 250 is superior over single ester testosterone forms due to the fact that it carries four distinct testosterones in a single injection. As for the basic functioning traits of testosterone, by and large, they will be the same with Sustanon 250 as they are with all testosterone forms. As is often noted, they will be no more or less powerful or effective.

  • Improved recovery from training
  • Enhanced muscle growth
  • Boosts protein synthesis
  • Increased ability to burn body fat
  • Enhanced libido
  • Increased nitrogen retention
  • Increased bone density

Terminal Half-life:

  • 15 days 

Possible Dosage & Cycle Length:

  • Men @ 100-500 mg/week
  • Not recommended for women
  • 12-24 weeks (can be run year-round as part of an HRT protocol)


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